Tuesday, February 17, 2009

No More Fast Food

That's right, folks! I've sworn off fast foods! I decided to do that until the wedding, but with Lent just around the corner, might as well make it Easter! Maybe if I can do without until Easter, then I can forgo it forever! I mean I might as well. When Murad and I have kids, I definitely do not want them to eat McDonalds, Taco Bell, and all that stuff. Those things can be reserved for when they go to the grandparents' or other kids' homes, but I just do want to rely on that stuff when we have kids. i know that's an ambitious goal especially since, I'll be a working mom, but I can try, right?

My reasons started out purely superficial and economical. 1. the wedding is right around the corner. I need to make sure I look my best and taking fast food (and my beloved wine) out of my diet will help me shed a few pounds. 2. Murad and I spend a lot of our budget eating out each month. So, I've made it my mission to cook more. I'm so lucky that my friends made me a recipe book for my Wichita wedding shower, so now I can cook more. I've also been researching quick and easy recipes on the internet. Murad is my guinea pig and so far, he's LOVED everything I've made. I figure if we can save money by not eating fast food we can splurge every few weeks with a nice dinner out at a nice restaurant!

Speaking of eating out....Murad and i had a nice dinner at Genghis Grill on Saturday. It's one of our favorite places, as we're both fans of Mongolian barbeques. It was a pretty low-key V-day, but spent with the one I love, so it was very special!

So, I'm very opposed to talking about money, but Murad thinks I should on here. I think when people use words like, "low-budget" and "low-cost" it can be very misleading. However, Murad was very impressed at how well we stayed in our wedding budget and how we've planned a nice wedding for a relatively (subjective) low-cost, especially for living in Dallas. So, I'm wondering if people (brides-to-be or wedding obsessed folks like myself living in the DFW Metroplex) would like to see a breakdown of how we planned our wedding? I will say we did receive many monetary gifts, discounts and free services. We also did without some things we wanted, but we had all the most important things. I probably will post it in the next couple of days or weeks, as soon as I have more things finalized. I will say that the average cost for a wedding is $28,800. Murad and I were under half of that average.

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