Thursday, October 16, 2008

A favorite forward!

A little teacher humor and a true story... people seriously need to learn to decipher the English Language....especially if they are going to create names for their children.

This is priceless!!! Suppose a new student enrolls in your school. Her name is Le-a How would you pronounce the child's name?
Leah? NO
Lay-a? NO
Lei? Guess Again.
It's pronounced 'Ledasha'

Oh, read it right. The dash is not silent.
This child attends a school in Livingston Parish, Louisiana.
Her mother is irate because so many faculty & staff are getting her name wrong. So, if you see something like this come across your desk, remember the mother's statement, "The dash don't be silent."


The Mama said...

I'm always up for a little language laughter. HA HA, I never would have got that one right. Thanks for the laugh!

The Espensens said...

Oh my gosh, that is priceless! I miss things like that so much! I miss you too, Ash! Hope things are going great! Looking so forward to Christmas time!