Sunday, April 13, 2008

We are the champions and I love my fiance!

We are the champions! Yes, it's true! The KU Jayhawks are the 2008 NCAA Men's Basketball champions. Let me just say when I enrolled at the University of Kansas eight long years ago (geez, I feel old), it was my dream to have a national championship while I was a student. And although it's still cool to be an alumni, it's not the same. It's not the same when I have to go to work the next day after I stay up all night due to excitement. That aside, I am happy for my boys and super excited that my brother got to experience it as a current student. He called me at 7am the next morning because he was still up (still up). He said it was crazy in Lawrence that night. He works as a bartender at my former hang-out, The Hawk, and he made a shitload of money due to all the drunk people there. My mom has called or emailed me each day with National Championship news. Her first email said, "Wish I were still 21 and attending KU instead of Emporia State." Then she emailed me a ton of video clips of the championship. Then, she was able to get champion t-shirts for our entire family from my brother's godfather's t-shirt shop. Lastly, today she called to say she taped the game when they replayed it last night in Kansas and would be mailing it to me soon. Ahh, yes! This is it...sweet success! ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK GO KU!

The national championship was just the beginning of my series of sleepless nights. April and May are some of my busiest months at school. Last night, Murad and I went to sleep at 7:00pm and we woke up at 4:00am to watch the Simpsons and then we went back to sleep at 6:00am and we didn't get up again until 9:00am. Well, I think Murad woke up around 11:00am. We have just been exhausted. Me with work and him with school. I feel like we've had something every night.

Yesterday, we had the memorial for Murad's good friend and that was hard on us both. Murad has taken his death very hard and I don't think he's fully come to terms with it. It all happened so suddenly. Murad had just gotten back in contact with him and then his cancer came and took him in a matter of months. I know he feels like he was cheated out of more time with him.

Despite all this, Murad has been himself to me and our "kids." He's had his moments, but he continues to be my rock and my support. He continues to take care of me and meet my needs. I just feel as though he's neglected his own. He also continues to inspire others. He's really established himself as a leader at his school, so much so that he's running for the president of the School of Social Work Association. Everyone in his classes loves him and admires him that I can not imagine him not winning. We'll keep our fingers crossed. Murad '08! No, but seriously, he's just a good guy. Today we were talking about where he would apply for his doctorate and he said, "I don't want you to leave Richardson. I'll do my best to make sure we stay in Dallas. This is our home and where we'll start a family." I just thought that was so sweet. I'm so open to moving wherever for him, but he sees how well I'm doing with my job and in our community. I just love getting all mushy about him. Maybe it's because I had a glass of wine with dinner! I do love him and I can not wait for these next eleven months to fly by so that I can finally be his wife!


Tish said...

lol...ya'll are cute

The Mama said...

First of al, ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK! Awesome game!

You all sound so great as a couple. It's nice to see true love.

Unknown said...

Ahhhh so sweeeet! Tell him I say good luck, I'll sneak in and vote for him ;)

Rock Chalk!!!!!!!!!!!