Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mi perro lobo sabe espanol!

My dog knows Spanish!!! I'm so excited. I totally did not put two and two together that the Peruvian family from which we adopted Sampson spoke Spanish and thus, would speak it to their dogs! So when Murad told me the Hispanic gardeners said, "vamos" to him and Sampson went, I got really excited. I looked up some other common Spanish phrases and he's responded so well. He understands "sit," "let's go," "get up" and "come here." I'm so proud of my little puppy or as his old owners call him "puppito."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is "muy bueno" for sampson! That is all I know, hope its right! I do know how to say "its a bargain" in spanish but that doesnt really apply...